Calgary Electrician and Electrical Services


Serving Calgary and Area


How to Protect Against Power Surge

A power surge is an increase in either voltage or current which is over the amount your homes electrical system was designed for. A power surge can damage your appliances. So what is the best way to protect against surges? First there are three different types of surges.

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Nothing Beats Experience!

We did a job recently for a customer who hired a handyman to install new plugs and switches in their home, for $50 an hour. Not a bad deal you’re thinking?

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Complimentary Home Safety Evaluation

Almost everything we do in our home requires electricity and we rely on it to be working when we need it too.

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What to Consider When Hiring an Electrician

There are many electricians out there. How do you choose the right one for you? Here are a few questions you can ask before hiring an electrician.

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Renovation Season

It is the start of renovation season. Did you know you can skip the 20 to 30 percent markup of a general contractor by hiring your own electrical contractor?

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Outdoor Plugs in Cold Weather.

With this cold spell in Calgary outdoor plugs are a necessity if you want a better chance of your vehicle starting. You will want to make sure your outdoor plugs are in proper working condition.

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